So I broke down and downloaded the free 30 trial version of Adobe CS3 flash. It was fun, I had it just long enough to animate a short little movie. Sucked though because I never could figure out how to enter any script.
I see a lot of HORRIBLE submissions to the portal. I mean... I know mine aren't really all that great, but I've seen some pretty awful stuff. Which leads me to wonder how in the world these NG users can afford a flash program?
To purchase a legit copy of Adobe CS3 is 700 bucks! SEVEN HUNDRED bucks! To make silly cartoons? Are you serious? How are "you people" affording your copy of your flash program? Unless most of "you" are using pirated copies somehow? I'll never stoop to the level of using a pirated copy of any program. Just sucks because you'd think there would be some way Adobe could sell a MUCH cheaper crappier version for people like me who have no intent to make any money with the program.