amazing, very good skills...... can you do a version without the phallic piece? pweeze? =-)
amazing, very good skills...... can you do a version without the phallic piece? pweeze? =-)
That version is up on my DA page!
I really like the look of this. Neat, creepy, dark, gritty. Was the sketch in the top right corner a thumbnail sketch of what you were first going for? Fantastic piece.
My little nephew started drawing some monsters and he really wanted me to redraw them in my own version.I was so amazed with this specific sketch he did that I couldn't resist.The drawing on the top right is his work :D
I love everything about this work. The angle, the emotion, the way the hair is drawn. And it is a very alluring piece of art. Much talent. ^.^
Belated thanks - it's been ages since I've been here.
Such an amazing and gritty overall feel. I love it. I'm not certain if this is what your going for, but the mood seems to capture the more violent aspects of a bar in a rough neighborhood. Talent wise, I am extremely impressed. I love the shading, and the way the hair is drawn. A dark piece, and fantastic work.
thank you very much! It is a dark series, progressing well into something bigger... here is the link to more within it -
All very nice works. I especially like the whiskers on the dog to the right. I've always struggled with lighter colored whiskers. Nicely done.
thanks! these, like most drawings, come with steady practice. The prisma color markers are incredible when used slowly and carefully.
Omi-gosh.... where do I begin... so, to start with I have to admit, that the overall feel of this piece definitely reminds me of *The Toxic Avenger* character. I'm not sure if that is what you were going for, but he looks real cool. The addition of the face on his arm is very cool.
check out the Graphic Novel series Prison Pit for more of the same
The angle of the feet look great. And especially the facial expression. Dunno' if this is what your were going for, but she seems kinda' upset that the viewer happened to noticed her panties. Very nice drawing.
Thank you so very much! ^^ As for the clothing, she's actually wearing a leotard. :)
Fantastic art work. Is she wearing a suit that transforms into a mech-suit of some kind? The anatomy structure is very well done in proportion to the angle of view. Nicely done.
thanks so much :)
This is great, I love the gritty paper effect. The muscle strands and bone structure are captured very nicely.
Thank you for your kind words. I took the inspiration from seeing the collarbone of a boy, if you're willing to believe me :)
I love the comic book feel to this. Especially the shadows and the bubble text placement.
Thank you very much!
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Age 48, Male
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Joined on 3/9/03