Astonishing! I loved it! I did'nt know that this was the fist in the series but I loved it!
Astonishing! I loved it! I did'nt know that this was the fist in the series but I loved it!
You've done it again! Nice job! Wow, that was awsome! I really hope to see more!
You did it again! Great movie! I can't wait to see part 3!!!
That was kick-butt great!!! I mean, wow! I loved it! Reminded me of the Matrix.
I only read the reviews.
I only read the reviews so I can't vote, but I will post this message. #1 I don't know what the clock club is because no one who knows will tell me. #2 From what I can gather it's a sad little bunch with pathetic animation skills who "band" together and vote high on their own movies and down on others, which screws up the system. #3 Some of their movies contain racist content and therfore should be banned from this site (does negro and a boat ring a bell?). That said, read the reviews (like I did) and don't waste your time here. If you decide however to proceed please show no sympathy and vote zero to "blam" them to heck and back.
Sir Baldy-Locks.
A bald warrior.
Yes, yes, yes!!!
My god, I laughed my @ss off! Watch this movie!!! It was awsome!!!
Oh yeah!
Thats what I call funny!!!
Good for the amount of time you put into it.
I like the music in the end...
Fart louldy, proudly, and often.
Age 48, Male
general construction
Joined on 3/9/03